Level Up 2 VET

The Level up 2 VET game is a new and exciting game for smartphones and tablets designed to help young people learn about the exciting career options which are available to them in the VET sector and what is involved in each career path, from picking a career to training for that career to mastering that career!

Level Up 2 VET is a digital board game, where players navigate a 3D animated game board by rolling the dice and moving through the world. Along the way, players have to collect as much experience as possible by picking cards, playing minigames, and managing their money and time!

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How To Play

Users are able to choose their avatar when entering the game and can view the whole city using the full map option.

Players 'roll' a dice using the button in the bottom right and move around the city moving through 'portals' until they've completed their turn. If the user reaches a cross roads they'll be asked to choose the direction they wish to run in.

Once they've stopped moving they can land on 6 types of squares (we won't spoil all the fun), but these range from learning about careers, teleporting points or even jumping into a mini game.

Move around the city and collect experience until you accept a job offer and Level Up! Continue moving around the city, to learn more about your chosen job and complete the game by getting promoted.

Who Can Use the Game

The game is geared towards any student who wishes to learn about different career options available to them, whether they happen upon the game on their own or are already working with VET guidance professionals.

Each career pathway leads to further information collected from the project and collated into an online portal available here.


For anyone wishing to share the information on the game - Caped Koala has used Presskit to generate all the necessary information, images and trailers in one easy to use and download location.

Caped Koala Presskit for Level Up 2 VET


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Erasmus+ Programme Grant Agreement number: 2017-1-UK01-KA202-036643


Aspire Igen

Cork Institute of Technology


Business Foundation for Education

Békés Megyei Kormányhivatal


Feel free to reach out to us on social media and let us know what you think of the game.

