Level Up has Moved to a New City

Level Up has updated and upgraded the whole city to produce a more colourful and exciting educational game.

Level Up - New City

We wanted to brighten up our city from previous iterations of the game and had a lot of fun hiding all kinds of shops, restaurants and buildings around every corner. The Level Up city is even equipped with a police station - and usefully - a doughnut shop just down the road.

There's plenty of billboards for our players to peek at and just like any other city, a coffee shop on every block.

Level Up's Police Force

The 'burbs

The city has beach front properties for our players to admire as they skill up in their chosen career. But they'll have to answer questions on their chosen career and gain experience points to reach Level 4 to access these suburbs.

The Level Up city features a wide range of dining options, including burgers, milkshakes, noodles, hot dogs and tacos. We're particularly fond of the row of shops featuring doughnuts, lollipops and milkshakes.

We've aimed for a brigher tone in this city, with custom VET centers in the game too. All the portals have been updated with new colours and gorgeous effects to explore as you move your player around the city. (We're saving pictures and explanations of those for a later blog post.)

Next up we're going to add other characters and vehicles. We just need to be careful where we're running!

Time for us to get back to work, we're about to release our next version of the beta version of the game ready for our third and final round of testing. Stay tuned for updates on Level Up and all our other games.

PS. Very tempted to make a Where's Wally game next...